Victoria Police withdraws from Midsumma Pride march

“We are disappointed in the decision by Victoria Police not to participate but respect the rights of any group who may choose not to participate.”
On Tuesday, the festival released a statement outlining its new uniform policy, saying it was a “trauma-informed approach” devised after extensive consultation.
The Midsumma Pride March in 2024.Credit: Chris Hopkins
“Many members of our LGBTQIA+ communities, especially the most vulnerable within our communities, experience trauma in their lives, which impact upon them today,” organisers said.
“Whilst triggers are unique to individuals, trauma-informed practice prioritises safety and seeks to remove, where practical, common triggers identified as barriers to diverse community engagement.”
Midsumma Festival said the change would only affect a few regular marchers “but could have a significant positive impact for many in our communities”. They will seek feedback after this year’s event.
“This new requirement does not affect youth or community sporting groups, and workplace signage, logos or insignia on informal wear is still supported,” organisers said.
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